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all penis bondage
A bondage technique, a variantion on cock and ball bondage, in which a piece of thin rope is tied around the base of a semi-erect penis, wrapped around the penis upward to the corona, and after a few extra turns, wrapped again downward and knotted at the base; any further erection of the penis will tighten the bondage.
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all butched up
all day, all night
all diked out
all ears
all for
all forlorn
all fussed up
all het up
all hot and bothered
All India United Democratic Front
all man
all meat, no potatoes
All moonshine
all mouth
all over heck and creation
all over the sudden
all set
all sexed up
all shaky-shivery
all steamed up
all that glitters is not gold
all the arts
All the glitters is not gold
all the way
all things (something)
all through
all tits and teeth
all to cock
all too easy
all up in somebody's business
all wool and a yard long
all day, all night
all diked out
all ears
all for
all forlorn
all fussed up
all het up
all hot and bothered
All India United Democratic Front
all man
all meat, no potatoes
All moonshine
all mouth
all over heck and creation
all over the sudden
all penis bondage
all pink on the insideall set
all sexed up
all shaky-shivery
all steamed up
all that glitters is not gold
all the arts
All the glitters is not gold
all the way
all things (something)
all through
all tits and teeth
all to cock
all too easy
all up in somebody's business
all wool and a yard long